Friday 7 December 2012

New Year Greeting Cards

Happy New Year Wishes

Happy New Year 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year Sms

May the dawn of New Year

May the dawn of New Year
leads you to the path of
beautiful tomorrows and
brings abounding joys
filling your heart
with love and home with

Happy New Year!

Heart Felt Wishes

My heart felt wish for you
May the tinge of cheers ‘n’ joy
Blossoms love ‘n’ ecstasy in your life
on this jubilant new year!

I appreciate you

You may hear nothing from me
that how I appreciate you
but beyond
that silence
your presence
creates a
beautiful sound
in my heart!

Happy new year!

Happy New Year to you!

Happy New Year to you!
May every great new day
bring you sweet surprises…
a happiness buffet.

Happy New Year to you,
and when the new year’s done,
may the next year be even better,
full of Pleasure joy and fun!

May the New Year Bring You Peace

As the year draws to a close
and we enter a new one,
all i wish to say is..
May the New Year
bring you..
Love, Peace and
For now and forever!

Happy New Year!

Wednesday 14 December 2011

Happy New Year 2012

New Year is the oldest of all holidays. Its history goes back over 4,000 years. The most logical time to start counting the new year in the spring. In the end this time of rebirth and new beginning.This Historically, celebrate the New Year falls on January 1. There are many New Year traditions, such as a glass of champagne at midnight, in the first seconds of the New Year, or the promise of the New Year. Different countries have different traditions of New Year celebrations.
New Year 2011 France clipartIn large piece of wood burned in fireplaces, as a symbol of prosperity and family health. In Mexico, the midnight carnival begins.In the Netherlands every year donuts with raisins ready.In Brazil, for New Year’s Eve women in long dresses are in the water and throw flower petals on the waves of the ocean.
Very exotic New Year celebrations are held in Australia. Due to lack of snow, trees, deer and other common attributes, Santa Claus appears in a swimming suit with a white beard and red pompoms on it with a specially decorated with surfboards on the beaches of Sydney.In different countries, traditions may be different, but one very old and very nice tradition remains the same. It’s a tradition to exchange gifts on this holiday.
There are many different ways to congratulate their friends and relatives a Happy New Year, and of course, the easiest of them – is to give or send them a nice Christmas card.  Currently, there are a wide range of different cards with different images from simple to custom design.
Some believe that the most popular now are images that can be considered as a greeting card. Should look like a Happy New Year 2012 video watch? For example, the easiest clip will contain only the phase of “Happy New Year 2012.” This view is the most versatile because it can be used anywhere on the card, as well as on banners and posters.
It’s your decision, and you can choose from traditional or modern designs. The most popular and traditional images of pictures of Santa Claus, champagne glasses, snowflakes, fireworks, candles,Christmas gifts, etc.and the phrase “Happy New Year.”They can be presented in different directions, but your Christmas card may be different from the rest of its unique design.
You can select any image and any image you would like to submit your personal vision of the New Year 2012. For example, it may be a joke about the end of the world promised in 2012. It may also be a dragon, because according to the Chinese calendar, the dragon is a symbol of the next year. Another symbol of New Year’s newborn pictures.
Happy New Year 2011 clipartHappy New Year! It will be said and heard many times in the early days of New Year 2012.It’s so nice to give a Happy New Year. Holiday spirit comes to us before December 31. Awarded cities and Christmas trees remind us of the upcoming event. You can start to make your New Year’s greetings now.
It is very important not to forget those dear to you. In the end, none of your friends and family should be left without a kind word and a sincere desire. It does not matter what will be on your card as long as it was done thoroughly, and received in a timely manner. This card will delight your friends and family, and will remind them of a great holiday is New Year’s Eve for a long time.

Happy New Year 
Each New Year people all around the world celebrate the end of one year and the start of another with festive celebrations, fireworks and merry party festivities.

Chinese New Year occurs according to the lunar calendar and is linked to the Chinese Zodiac. It's not observed on the same date every year, and the animals of the Chinese Zodiac are associated with specific years.

New Year celebrations of all types are happy occasions filled with hope and wishes for good fortune and luck in the coming year.January 1 is a worldwide New Year celebration; Chinese New Year is also celebrated in many nations around the globe. Which New Year do you celebrate?